How to Setup PPTP on a Draytek Router

  1. Select "VPN and Remote Access" in the left menu
  2. Select "Lan to LAN" in the submenu
  3. Click on an empty entry to create a new connection
  4. In "Common Settings" enter a profile name (e.g. TG PPTP), then select "Enable this profile"
  5. Select "Dial-Out" as "Call Direction", and check "Always on"
  6. Choose "PPTP" in "Dial-Out Settings"
  7. Enter any of the server IPs/Hostnames that you can find by logging into your account area and clicking on "My Stuff". Then click on "My VPN Servers".
  8. Enter your username and password.
  9. When scrolling down to the TCP/IP settings please disable "RIP Direction"
  10. Set "NAT" in "From first subnet to remote network, you have to do" .
  11. Select "Change default route to this VPN"
This should now get you connected to VPN.
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